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A member registered Dec 29, 2015

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Maybe it's just the tilsets you're using for the parallax map? I don't really know mainly because i haven't use parallax mapping yet but i might have found a topic in the communtiy that might help with what you're looking for
(If you get confused with the script, just go to the top of the tools bar and theres an icon named script editor and you just put the script under materials)(P.S if you're STILL confused maybe search it up on youtube maybe?)

have you tried checking any events running on "autorun" or maybe even "parallel process" because those are the types of events that stop the player until the event stops

Well there's nothing wrong with your events but it looks like you put "collected all" to being switched on when switch "001" is activated so maybe when the character collects the last item, put "control switch" event into the last item event and choose 001 (or another switch you used for the collected all event) to be turned ON

So i was wondering what software you use to make your pixel art..........

I do in fact use vx Ace, but I mostly just started but i have basic knowledge and hopfully that can help you waith anything you need

sorry, I meant I can be of some help

If u can be of some help maybe ask because im fairly familliar with RPG maker engine and would be glad to help